Source code for v8cffi.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from _v8 import lib

[docs]class V8Error(Exception): """ Base error for all V8\ related errors """
[docs]class V8JSError(V8Error): """ Error raised when a JS\ script fails to compile or run.\ The message contains an\ explanation of the cause of the error """
[docs]class V8MemoryError(V8Error): """ Error raised when an allocation fails,\ this usually means out of memory """
[docs]class V8UnknownError(V8Error): """ Unpredicted error """
EXCEPT = { lib.E_V8_JS_ERROR: V8JSError, lib.E_V8_OUT_OF_MEM_ERROR: V8MemoryError, lib.E_V8_UNKNOWN_ERROR: V8UnknownError} def get_exception(code): """ Map C code error to Python exception :param int code: V8 C error code :return: The exception mapped to the code :rtype: :py:class:`.V8Error` """ return EXCEPT.get(code, V8Error)